I just got this product sample in the mail, and as soon ass I put it on it fit like a glove. This product provides total comfort, most products move around when walking but this brief stays right in place. So far when receiving Tranquility products in the mail I have not been disappointed.
Features Include: Extra inner gathering to prevent leaks. Four adjustable tabs Wetness indicator to let you know to change product. Fluid Capacity 21.4 oz.
This product also works great with Adult Booster Liner
Added this gives you an extra 27.5 oz. That means you could probably wear the briefs for almost half of the day before you even have to change it and still feel dry. Depending on your level of incontinence both of these are great products.
Well I hope this review was helpful.
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I know this post on my blog is a little off topic, but since I've had experience in this I thought I would share this. About a week ago my son decided he would take a permanent marker a write
King of Rock on a nice guitar that someone from Church gave to him. Now I wasn't to happy about this because the Guitar was a very nice and expensive one. I was thinking that there was no way that we would be able to clean this up. Then my wife did a little research on the net and found that white toothpaste will clean permanent marker off of anything. So we found an old toothbrush and the toothpaste and began to scrub, and lone behold in about 3 minutes the black maker was gone.
So if you ever have to remove black permanent marker from anything, just grab a toothbrush and some white toothpaste.
Since writing my article on incontinence I have received a lotfeedback and questions via private messages through YouTube and e-mails. I have also done videos on this subject. The questions I have received are what is the best product and does Medicare or Medicaid pay for incontinence supplies.
Well as far as Medicare and Medicaid, some of the suppliers around me either won't accept it or make you pay something up front until the insurance clears. So I really don't bother and I try and pay for my own. The one place I have bought from online that has really great deals is Magic Medical, they have free shipping on case orders and 5% off when you buy more than one case.
As far as what is the the best product? The only products I have tried is Depend and Tena. I am recently trying a new products to help my readers.
One product I have decided to try is Tranquility Top Liner Booster Super-Plus Contour. I got this product through a supplier that gives away free samples of incontinent products.
A booster is an ad on to an Adult Brief to absorb more liquid for those with very heavy incontinence. I will have to say that this product works great. The absorbency is great and it ads extra comfort to both adult briefs as well as the protective underwear.
On a scale from 1-10 I give it a 10.
I hope this article was helpful.
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If you have a medical product you would like me to write a review on please e-mail me. brotherjohnspeaks@gmail.com
If any suppliers would like to send me samples I would be glad to give your business and website a shout and a link on my review. Please e-mail me and I will give you information on where to mail to. brotherjohnspeaks@gmail.com
Some people who have seizures struggle with Urinary Incontinence. I am one of them, most of the time I have leakage. This is mostly caused by lose of muscles during a seizure. After most of my seizures my body relaxes and I lose bladder control.
Even if I don't have seizures my body has been through so much over the year that I have to take lots of trips to the bathroom. When I go to sleep I have to wear adult diapers because I have heavy incontinence at night. During the day time I wear the protective underwear adult diapers just encase I don't make it to the rest room when I go out in public. My advice for people with incontinence. Talk with your doctor to see if this problem could be caused by something else other than seizures. I your incontinence is a cause of something else, then I can be treated with medication. This is good to find out first before you make an investment in other protective measures, such as adult diapers.
Now if you find that you have to invest in some adult diapers
you should know that choosing the most comfortable diaper is important. So to help, you should know that if you Google free adult diapers, you will find sites that will give you 3 free samples to help you make the choice for the most comfortable diaper for you.
Now if you want to know what I use, my recommendation is products fron TENA.
If you want a good price on whatever product you buy shop around. Some sites have deals that if you buy two or more cases that you will get free shipping.
Well I hope this article was helpful. Please be sure to G+ share on Facebook, Tweet, or Pin it on Pinterest.