Friday, May 11, 2012

Deciding to Quit Work

    Deciding to quit working is a hard decision to make as an epileptic. Simply because of overwhelming amount of seizure I have been having. I am on several medications that make me feel drowsy and my hours at work have been cut because of work restrictions. 

  I work as of now at McDonald's
my doctor has decided that it is no longer safe to work in the kitchen part of the restaurant. Now the only task I am allowed to do clean the  dining room and make salads and take out the trash. Right now I am barely scraping by with 10-13 hours a week. So it's really not worth staying.

   One thing I am considering is becoming a full time blogger. I have been watching a lot of  videos about how blogging can make you a half decent income. So I figured that I can start writing articles that help people and earn a little money on the side. I'm still working just in a safer work area (at my desk).

  I figure that if I do have a seizure while working at home I can just pick up where I left off when I'm feeling better.

  Well I hope to bring you more interesting information in the future   
so please join me here again.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck John, May God bless you with this decision, I hope things work out for you!! (scott) (fostersdf)
